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Terms and Conditions of Booking


(a) In these Terms and Conditions:

  • "Course" means the Summer School Courses run by Sherborne International
  • "Application Form" means the online form provided by the School for parents to complete when applying for a place for their child at the School
  • "Student" or "Child(ren)" means a person of whatever age who accepts a place to attend a course run by the School and includes those who turn 18 during their course
  • "Course Fees" means the fees for the course as amended from time to time
  • "Course Director" means the person appointed by the School to be responsible for the day-
  • to-day management of the course, including anyone to whom such duties have been duly delegated
  • "Code of Conduct" means the rules of the course which may be amended from time to time for legal, safety or other substantive reasons or in order to assist the proper administration of the course
  • "Terms and Conditions" means these Terms and Conditions as amended from time to time
  • "We", “Our”, “Us” or the "School" means the legal entity carrying on as the School as identified in Clause 1(b) below, or its duly authorised representative, as the context requires
  • "You" or the "Parents" means the person who returns the Acceptance Form as parent or guardian of the student

(b) The Application Form, the Code of Conduct and these Terms and Conditions form the terms of a contract between you and Sherborne International and constitute the entire agreement between the parties. It is not intended that the terms of the contract shall be enforceable by the student or by any other third party.

(c) We reserve the right to change or add to these Terms and Conditions from time to time for legal, safety or other substantive reasons or in order to assist the proper delivery of courses at the School.

Terms and Conditions

We look forward to welcoming your child(ren) on our courses and will do everything we can to ensure they have a safe, successful stay as part of a great experience.

By completing the online registration form, you are confirming:

  • The information you have given in this application is correct, including all medical information.
  • You have read and accept the Terms and Conditions and regulations included in this document and you agree that your child(ren) or the child(ren) you represent will follow the course rules and English law.
  • You give permission for the School to use images of your child(ren), or the child(ren) you represent, to keep the School community updated on the activities of the School, and for marketing and promotional purposes, including on the website, unless we receive written notification from you (or the child, if aged over 12) advising that you have withdrawn this permission.
  • You give permission for your child(ren), or the child(ren) you represent, to attend all activities and sports organised by Sherborne International (including mixed sports and with staff taking part alongside students) unless we receive written notification from you advising of any justifiable exemption in advance of the activity taking place.
  • You give permission for your child(ren), to participate in any age appropriate, risk assessed and supervised trips that may be organised for groups of students as part of the courses, unless we receive written notification from you advising of any justifiable exemption in advance of the activity taking place.
  • You give Sherborne International Short Courses permission to act on your behalf when dealing with a medical emergency in line with professional medical advice – We will make every effort to contact you or the nominated point of contact in such an emergency.
  • You agree to pay for any loss or damage to property or equipment and damage to rooms caused by your child.
  • You give permission for your child(ren) to travel by any form of school or public transport or in a motor vehicle driven by a responsible adult who is duly licensed and insured to drive a vehicle of that type.
  • For students with disabilities, we will make reasonable adjustments to meet the needs of disabled student wherever this is possible. Please ensure that you contact us before making a booking to provide details of the student's disabilities and to discuss the provision required. You agree that this will not be possible in every case and we reserve the right not to accept a student onto a course.  You are advised that students who arrive to join short courses with disabilities - of which we had no prior knowledge and for which we are unable to make necessary provision - may be asked to leave the course. 

Code of Conduct

Sherborne International is a community in which behaviour is based on mutual respect and consideration for others. Our standards are made clear to students on arrival and we trust they will be followed.

Students are expected to:

  • Show politeness
  • Act in a non-aggressive manner
  • Listen carefully to teachers, staff, students and other people when they are talking
  • Listen to and try hard to understand other people’s points of view
  • Make friends with students of other nationalities and cultural backgrounds, understanding the great benefits and pleasures you can gain by doing so
  • Treat other students and their possessions with respect and help each other
  • Only use another person’s possessions with his/her permission
  • Be helpful (e.g. opening doors and looking after new students)
  • Attend all lessons and activities and arrive to them on time; if you are late or absent from a scheduled class or activity, staff will follow up immediately to find out where you are and what is wrong
  • Refrain from bullying, including e-bullying and other unpleasant behaviour and report any unpleasantness that you see to a member of staff
  • Behave sensibly about the school and in the town
  • Obey and respect the laws of England particularly in relation to issues such as smoking, alcohol and drug abuse – cigarettes and alcohol are not allowed at Sherborne International
  • When shopping, make sure you put anything you have looked at back where you found it if you are not going to buy it – don’t just leave it lying around and don’t take it without paying
  • Cross the road safely – always use the pedestrian crossing by the traffic lights on the road outside the School
  • Your behaviour in sports, activities, on excursions and in town should be as good as when you are in School
  • Respect and adhere to any COVID-19 guidance put in place by the School or enforced by the UK Government.

Disciplinary Procedures

Where behaviour is unacceptable, students will be told and may receive sanctions as a result.

  • If poor behaviour continues to disrupt or cause offence to other members of the School community or involves smoking, alcohol, drugs, theft or serious bullying, the student may be suspended or, in serious or persistent cases, may be permanently removed from the course if the Course Director considers that their behaviour (including behaviour outside School) is unsatisfactory and that removal is in the School's best interests or those of the student or other students, or is in the interests of the well-being of the staff or to prevent the School being brought into disrepute. In such cases, parents/guardians are not entitled to any refund or deferral of course fees and will be liable for all additional costs and there will be no refund of fees.
  • Students may be requested to provide a biological sample under medical supervision if involvement with drugs is suspected, or undergo a breath test for alcohol consumed in breach of the Code of Conduct.
  • A Student may be questioned and his/her accommodation or belongings may be searched in appropriate circumstances and in line with School policies if they are suspected of being involved in illegal activity or in breach of the Code of Conduct.
  • The School reserves the right, subject to applicable data protection legislation, to monitor your child's email communication, internet use and mobile phone devices for the purpose of ensuring compliance with the Code of Conduct.

Personal Possessions

On arrival, for safe-keeping, students may hand in their passport, travel information/tickets and any other valuables they will not need during their stay. The School cannot be held responsible for any loss of money or personal belongings. At departure, we remind students to check they have packed all their personal possessions and leave nothing behind. Any left items will be disposed of after 6 weeks following the end of the course.


Our policy is that students aged 13 -17 are allowed to go into Sherborne (unless permission is withdrawn by the school for disciplinary reasons, or a parent)  at designated times (some lunchtimes, to and from the sports centre/ playing fields in the afternoons) without an accompanying member of staff. 12 year old students may be granted permission with parental authority. Students aged 8 - 11 (or 12 without permission) can go into town only if accompanied by a staff member.

All students of any age will be accompanied by members of staff at all other times (for example, during evening activities). Also, when students are on excursions, 12 (with permission) - 17 year olds may be allowed at set times (for example, in a shopping area or within a museum or other attraction) to go in a group of at least three without an accompanying member of staff. In this case, the area in which they are located is patrolled by our staff. Students aged 8 – 11 (12 without permission) are divided into small groups, each accompanied by Sherborne staff.

Data Protection

The School will process personal data about you and your child in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998 as amended by the General Data Protection Regulation 2018 and all other related legislation. We will process such personal data as set out in the School's 'Privacy Notice' which is available on the School's website. We will use information relating to your child and to you for certain purposes connected with the running of the courses. This will include name, contact details, school records, photographs and video recordings, both whilst your child is on the course and after they have left for the purposes of managing relationships between the School and current students; promoting the School; publicising the School's activities and communicating with the school community and former students.

Photographs are taken during the course and may be used on our web galleries, newsletters and promotional materials. If you do not want your child to appear, please make this clear when registering by sending an email outlining your request to 

Pocket Money

Please note that we are not able to manage or handle cash on behalf of students, and so we are asking all students not to bring cash pocket money with them.  Sherborne International staff will not be held responsible for any money lost, stolen, misspent as a consequence of this request being ignored, regardless of the sum involved.

The best and safest way to provide pocket money is with a prepaid cash card (either Visa or Mastercard). You can set-up the card before travel and pre-load their pocket money by bank transfer.  These cards are available for young children and you will be able to set spending limits as well as top up the card and monitor their spending from home.  They will be able to use the card to pay in shops or take money from ATMs just like a debit or credit card.  If you wish, we can hold your child’s card safely for them while they are in School and issue it to them for excursions and shopping trips.  There are many different providers of prepaid cash cards across the world and you will be able to find the most suitable one for you.


  • Please note that all medicines brought on campus must be handed in to our matron upon arrival.  There are strict regulations regarding the management of medicines.  We can accept responsibility only for drugs licensed in the UK. 
  • Please send medicines that are prescribed by a doctor along with an English translation.
  • Please keep medical/dietary and allergy information updated on your application form.
  • Our nurse, matron or agreed member of staff can administer non-prescription medications, such as paracetamol, Ibuprofen, cough linctus, throat lozenges, antihistamine, and travel sickness pills.  Please advise us on the registration form if you do not want this to happen.
  • Depending on the guidance of the UK government, you may need to provide proof of a negative lateral flow test or equivalent for your child, ahead of their arrival in the country. Sherborne International will aim to provide up to date information at the time the courses are running, but you will be responsible for ensuring any regional or country specific guidance is followed.


We strongly recommend taking out travel, medical and repatriation insurance in the event of cancellation for non-COVID reasons, travel delay, loss of property, illness, or accident. Sherborne International will not be held responsible for any costs or complications as a consequence of your child(ren) or the child(ren) you represent not having the appropriate level of travel insurance.

Confirming and Keeping your Booking

There is a non-refundable deposit of £350 required when booking (please see Covid-19 Cancellation Policy for 2024 below).  The booking is not secured until the deposit is paid.  The balance of the fees is due 30 days before the student is due to start the course.  If the balance is not received by this date, the place may be cancelled and given to another student.  Any booking made less than 30 days prior to the start of the course must be accompanied by full payment.  You can manage your booking through our online booking software (the link will be provided in your acceptance email). Please ensure that you check your junk or spam folders of your mailbox if you have not received an email you were expecting before contacting our support channels.

Places on the course are subject to availability. If a place is not available, the initial payment will be refunded.

Cancellation Policy (COVID-related) for 2024

In the unfortunate event of a course being cancelled due to either official UK government Covid-19 restrictions, or a student cancelling his/her place due to official Covid-19 restrictions in their country at the time of student travel, we will offer a full refund of any monies paid, to include the deposit (less any bank charges due). The following scenarios are examples of when such a refund would apply:

•          Official travel restrictions are being enforced in your country that prevent a student from travelling to the course

•          A 14-day quarantine period still being required upon entry to UK from your home country during the course dates (therefore making a short course stay non-viable)

•          The UK Government’s Covid-19 restrictions requiring the School to cancel all, or part, of the programme

It may also be possible to defer the start date of the course to a later date during Summer 2024 if possible and space allows. Alternatively, bookings can be deferred to 2025 at the discretion of Sherborne International.

Sherborne International will not be liable to refund any fees if your child(ren) or the child(ren) you represent are required to isolate for any period of their stay. Additional charges may be incurred if there is a quarantine requirement beyond the period of their stay. In the event that travel arrangements need to be rearranged for a return visit, Sherborne International will not be held responsible. It is our strong advice that all students attending the short courses do so with sufficient travel insurance.

Cancellation Policy (Non-COVID related) 

The deposit is non-refundable. The balance fees due are payable 30 days before the start of the student’s course. Non-payment of the balance on time will automatically cancel the place on the course. Should a place be cancelled within 30 days of the start of the course, no refund of the fees is paid, with the following exceptions: 

  • Should a student cancel his/her place due to serious illness, accident or close family bereavement, full fees are refundable, less the deposit, on production of a certified medical statement in English. Alternatively, deferral of the fees/deposit would be offered for the following year.

  • Should a student cancel his/her place due to visa refusal, full fees are refundable, less the deposit, on production of the certified refusal notice. Where we receive this evidence, the refund will be paid to you within four weeks of your providing us with bank details and signed authorisation that the refund should be paid to that account. Alternatively, deferral of the fees/deposit would be offered for the following year.

  • Should a student cancel his/her place because of unavoidable international events, such as natural disasters, terrorism or threat of terrorism, that prevent him/her from attending the courses, 50% of the fees are refundable, less the deposit. Alternatively, deferral of the fees/deposit would be offered for the following year.

  • Should Sherborne International cancel the course for any reasons (including Covid-19) then a full refund or deferral of deposit/fees would be offered. 

Sherborne International reserves the right to determine in which circumstances the refund provisions are applicable. Parents are advised to take out appropriate travel insurance, including cancellation cover. 

We encourage parents, guardians, agents, students and other interested parties to read our major policies, procedures and codes of conduct thoroughly. These are published in the ‘Further Information/Reports and Policies’ section of the Sherborne International website at the following link: Reports & Policies | Sherborne International (